"The House of Champions" - Established 1995 - "Te'Aneh' Cūvah"

"Snake Blocker is a member of a rare breed of men that I know of. He is skillful, articulate and above all, a gentleman. Snake is not only my friend. He is also my 'brother' of which I am very proud of. Snake is a martial artist, a warrior, and a true blood in the real sense. He is a man who like myself, holds a blade for two reasons only.... Much respect 'my brother' " Nehwe denihani nadahna aidee " (We bow to no one.)."
- Clint Heyliger, President of the United States Muay Thai Association, New York-USA. In 2018, Clint Heyliger appointed Snake Blocker as National & International Director of the Native American League (NAL).
"Snake Blocker...where do I start? Smart, capable and witty as both a martial arts and a survivalist... I have yet to meet anyone who works as hard as he does to promote Ápấchề History & culture. I am PROUD to call him my friend and consider him my Brother in the Warrior Arts"
- Waysun Johnny Tsai, Knife & Tomahawk Designer, Author, Kung Fu Master, Illinois-USA
"We hosted Snake Blocker for the very first time in Australia this year (2013), and it was a resounding success. Snake has a relaxed teaching-style, which suited the students that attended his 2 day seminar here in Sydney. The seminars went so well, that we have booked him to come back again in 2014 and the workshop is already full with 9 months left to go! We are happy to be associated with Snake."
- Shane Cassidy, Former Special Forces Commando, Sydney-Australia
"If you want to learn real world modern knife fighting techniques and Martial Arts in the original 'old world guerilla tactics' style originated by the Ápấchề, then look no further!!! Snake Blocker's Academy will not just teach self defense but about life in the modern world; and how to adapt and survive in any and all situations."
- Joe Brokenfeather Darrah, Multi-World Champion Knife & Tomahawk Thrower and Whip Champion, Pennsylvania-USA
“Snake is the consummate martial artist, seeking knowledge from every source and absorbing every nuance with uncanny understanding. With his accumulated
wealth of experience he is now a source others may come to in their own study of the martial sciences.
Bon chance, mon ami!”
- Armando Basulto, Savate Instructor and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, North Carolina-USA
"Snake is a remarkable man, highly skilled in his knowledge of the martial arts and in his passion for teaching. He not only teaches Native youths in these skills but also mentors them to stay in school, to stay focused on future goals, and to lead clean, healthy lives. Snake is unequivocally a master in all he does, and our young people are better for his influence."
- Linda Walking Woman, Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas Senior Adviser to the Chairman, Texas-USA
"I worked with Snake Blocker on a pilot survival show for Animal Planet. Snake is a fellow survivalist that applies old and modern ways for living outside the city. He has the mental toughness and adaptability to survive outside of civilization. Snake Blocker, thanks for writing the Forward to Tomahawk's Scout Field Manual."
- Thomas "Tomahawk" Moore, Author, Actor, Survivalist, Yopal-Columbia
"Snake Blocker is not only an exceptional, multi-skilled martial artist, he is more importantly the custodian of Ápấchề Battle Tactics and Weaponry. It is through this unique knowledge that we met and have trained together. As a student he shows a great talent at adapting and learning new skills fast, but as an instructor his true talent lies. His seminars are highly educational, motivational and adaptive to each group that attends and I recommend them to any serious martial artist. Snake not only has continued the Legacy of his ancestors, but he has shared it with us to make sure it will continue on and is never forgotten."
- Geordie Lavers-McBain, Multi-World Champion Martial Artist, Gold Coast-Australia
"Snake Blocker represents both the Martial Arts Community and the Native American Community with great respect, dignity, peace and honor. He brings great pride to his community of the Lipan Apache Tribe. Thank you for all that you do Snake, you are a
great example to us all."
- Uvalle Redknife, Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas (Chief linage), Minneapolis-USA
"Snake is a highly motivated individual, involved deeply in his Native American heritage as an active member of the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas Community and in the Lipan Veterans Society. He generously passes on his knowledge of Apache history and fighting techniques. A great individual overall and someone I am proud to call 'nephew.'”
- Gloria Bumgart, Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas member, Texas-USA
"As a strong advocate of realistic martial arts training, I feel that the combat training program offered by Master Snake Blocker falls within the realm
of "must know" training. Master Blocker, his staff, and I share the same philosophy of dealing only with combat training. If you want to learn a
real fighting system, go to Snake Blocker's school."
- Gary Dill, 1st Generation Bruce Lee student under James Lee, Oklahoma-USA
"Snake Blocker is a great personality who fills a void in the martial arts genre. He teaches Apache battle tactics that were honed and tested in the battlefields
of the Old West. He is a real warrior. Snake offers a fighting art that is as unique as he is. His approach to knife fighting isn’t one based on someone’s fantasy,
which is too often the case, but a system developed by the great warriors before him. Snake teaches fighting arts that were not made up in today’s modern
training facilities. Instead, it’s a result of life and death fights on the battlefields. If it didn’t work, it was tossed out. If it did, it remained."
- Loren W. Christensen, Author, Martial Artist, Oregon-USA
"Snake Blocker is the epitome of the true martial artist. Not satisfied with his high skill level, Snake constantly seeks a better path, and in doing so, provides an
amazing example for his students and other martial artists. If you have a chance, train with Snake Blocker"
- Burton Richardson, President Jeet Kune Do Unlimited, Hawaii-USA, Jeet Kune Do Instructor under Dan Inosanto
"If you want to learn how to survive combat in the real world, you can't go wrong by training with Snake Blocker. Snake is a great guy, as well as, a great teacher. It's refreshing to see knife tactics other than Filipino Martial Arts....Snake Blocker, my Apache knife fighting teacher and friend...and the host of the last
seminar I gave before retiring. Snake is the real deal and I was glad I was able to meet him and his lovely family. He is one of the good guys."
- Tim Tackett, 1st Generation Bruce Lee student under Dan Inosanto, California-USA
"Snake Blocker is the 'Real Deal' kick ass Abaachi [Ápấchề]. And he ain't no ‘Hollywood Apache’ either! I had the honor to work with Snake and I'm very
proud to call Snake my Brother! N' Zhoo Ghoo ("It's all good"). One of the Best in the Martial Arts World! I pity the fool that messes with Snake Blocker. I
have worked with Snake Blocker and have gotten to know him as a personal friend in the past few years. Snake is a man of Vision, Concepts, an Expert in Business, Martial Arts, a Historian and is a True man of Character and Integrity. Whatever Snake puts His Mind, Skills and Determination to, Snake will get the Job Done, Snake Blocker is NOT a talker, But a Doer, a Man of Action and His Actions and Accomplishments tell the Story of a True Champion and Ápấchề (Lipan) Warrior/ Chief....Much Respect."
- Alan Tafoya, Jicarilla Ápấchề, Fight Choreographer, Stunts, Precision Driver, Assistant Producer, Language Consultant. at Films & TV, Actor, Singer/Song Writer,
Soldier of Fortune 2x World Champion Knife Fighter, New Mexico-USA
"Snake Blocker is the ultimate fighter! Snake Blocker is one of the most motivated and accomplished individuals I've ever known. Not only has
he served this country twice with two tours of duty training our troops in knife and stick fighting, but he also is a multi award-winning Muay
Thai and Kickboxing champion. I've been trained by Snake before and they were the best workouts ever! He can motivate even the most
self conscious and dare I say lazy fitness enthusiast, which is yours truly. I only wish he still lived in Los Angeles I'd be at least 15 pounds thinner
and leaner. I highly recommend him."
- Vida Ghaffari, Martial Artist, Actress, California-USA
"Snake you definitely left a powerful impression on the cast and crew of the show, Deadliest Warrior. They were still trading stories about your exploits. Especially your slow motion blow to one of the dummies that was too gory for even Spike TV executives to air."
- Tetsuro Sigematsu, Samurai lineage, Actor, California-USA
"I can see a man, a man standing tall, with his head high and his heart proud...afraid of nothing at all. - Carolina Kallberg, Artist, Sweden
"Snake is the man! Snake Blocker's enthusiasm is contagious. His love & knowledge of the martial arts is second to none. When you train with
Snake whether it be in person, on DVD, or in one of his manuals, he breaks down each and every technique into minute details to better
help you understand every nuance of the game. I'm a better fighter today because of Snake Blocker."
- Jim McCann, Multi-World Champion Fighter, New Jersey-USA
"I can honestly say that everything I have learned and continue to learn always brings me back to my roots at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts."
- Mike Keough, Martial Artist, California-USA
"Snake Blocker...World Class Muay Thai Fighter."
- Dan Inosanto, 1st Generation Bruce Lee student, California-USA
"Blocker Academy was the site of my first training in martial arts. Good equipment and training is only one level of the school. The interaction with other students, as well as, the consistent praise and encouragement from the instructors is what makes Blocker Academy a wonderful place for learning martial arts.
I highly recommend this place for anyone who has ever had a desire to learn any type of fighting skill."
-Sheila Rajashekara, Martial Artist, California-USA
"Snake Blocker...My #1 Ch'ng Mo [Gung Fu/Kickboxing] student; my good friend...thanks for everything. The growth in the martial arts is our goal. Keep up the good work."
- Rod Kei, 3x World Champion Kickboxer, Savate World Cup Champion, California-USA
"I have been 'Snake' bitten."
- Adrianne Fenimore, Poet, Texas-USA
"Snake Blocker...Multi-Martial Artist, keep up your Savate training. Thanks for your help in developing the art of Savate."
- Nicolas Saignac, French Savate Champion, California-USA Savate Instructor at Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts
"Glad to have you in our group."
- Taky Kimura, 1st Generation Bruce Lee student, Washington-USA
"I want to thank you [Snake Blocker] for hosting the Emerson Edge Weapons seminar on January 26 & 27, 2002. Your staff was hospitable and highly informed, and your school [Blocker Academy of Martial Arts] is clean and neat for a healthy workout, an unbeatable combination for a successful martial art school. In the Spirit of Bruce Lee, Keep Trucking, Keep Training, and Keep Smiling. Aloha."
- Richard S. Bustillo (RIP), 1st Generation Bruce Lee student under Dan Inosanto, California-USA
"Snake Blocker has studied with us [Scientific Fighting Congress] for many years. He never stops learning and training to improve his already Champion level skills. He is a great guy, an outstanding athlete, and a skilled teacher. Snake is an old friend. He has hosted me many times at his school in Los Angeles since mid 1990s. He recently did two tours in Kuwait/Iraq/Afghanistan and is now back. He is a Thai champ from the 1990s. I have learned some interesting Thai moves I have never seen before from him. There is no one on the planet quite like the Snake. He's a Full-bloodied Apache and lifelong martial artist.”
- W. Hock Hochheim, President Scientific Fighting Congress/Force Necessary, Black Belts under Ernesto Presas and Remy Presas, Texas-USA
"I had the pleasure of training with Snake Blocker last summer of 2003. Being one of the few gals who trained with Snake, who has a martial arts background in blended forms, I was amazed at the effectiveness of these moves. Speaking for those, I practiced these moves on others... they work! I would definitely recommend this training for anyone seeking a challenge, both physically, as well as, mentally for both the young and old of any skill type. Snake Blocker is an excellent teacher and he made learning the MCQC (Military Close Quarter Combat) techniques simple and easy to grasp for anyone new to martial arts or advanced in their training as well. I look forward to the training again after his return from Kuwait."
- Doria Schaefer, Martial Artist, Colorado-USA
"Snake Blocker is my friend and a brother-at-arms. He is the true embodiment of a warrior and his WORLD CLASS skills support his reputation. He is a gentlemen and a class act in all regards." "I would like to personally thank you [Snake Blocker] for allowing us to use your wonderful facility to run our course last weekend. The comments that I have received about your studio have been that everyone was impressed. I would also like to add that the students and I were equally impressed with your exemplary and professional attitude concerning the hosting of the class and the logistics involved. "Snake was on top of things the whole weekend!" and "What a top notch guy!" were the typical comments that I received. Thank you again Snake for the opportunity, as well as, your generosity and time. You are a 'Class Act.' My Very Best Regards."
- Ernest R. Emerson, President-Emerson Knives, California-USA
"Snake...Good BJJ & Muay Thai training with you, my friend. You have a great Academy."
- Jason Krikorian, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belt under Rickson Gracie, California-USA
"En 2012 j'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer Snake Blokker lors d'un passage de grade à l'académie Paul Raymond Buitron à Laredo. J'y avais été invité pour y diriger un stage de boxe française savate. Je garde le souvenir d'une personne souriante, attentive, enthousiaste et très motivée. Il est aussi un vrai gentleman. J'espère qu'il continuera à progresser en boxe française et contribuera a son développement aux USA. J'en garde un excellent souvenir. J'ai fait un rêve. Un team apache en Bf dans les prochaines années !"
- Jean-Pierre Julemont, Former President of the Savate/BF Federation and Champion d'Europe Savate/Boxe Française 1970, Honorary Diploma of the Belgian Olympic Committee, Belgium (Snake Blocker hosted Jean Pierre Julemont to come teach at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts in 2018 and toured him in Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska-USA. Jean Pierra taught La Canne de Combat and Savate/Boxe Française at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts).
"Snake Blocker...my partner, friend, and martial arts instructor, may our relationship last forever. Best in the blade study."
- John McCurry, President of Universal Balisong and Balika Ju Jitsu, California-USA Instructor under Kazja (Balisong Knife Fighting) and Victor de Thouars (Silat Stick & Knife Fighting)
"Snake Blocker...You're the Best! Thank you so much for your help."
- Hector Echavarria, Actor, Multi-World Champion Kickboxer, South America
"I miss America a lot, and there is definitely someone I will meet when I'll get there, and that is Snake Blocker... to have the honor to share his unique
understanding in the Art is something I am really looking forward to."
- Dan Duby, Savate Instructor, Reunion Island (Pual Vunak and Dan Duby opened the first Savate school in California-USA)
"Snake Blocker is an articulate teacher, open minded martial artist, and World Class Pro Kickboxer. Training with him gives a student (beginner or advanced) deeper meaning to combat!"
- Mike Omerbegovich, Martial Artist, California-USA
"Snake Blocker...You are a very good fighter. You are crazy! You are the rudest American I've ever met, no, the rudest person in the whole world! But I like it."
- Magida Raguig, Multi-World Champion Savate Champion and French Champion, France (Magida Raguig pictured below on the right)
"Snake Blocker kicks like an ox. He's one of the toughest kickers I've ever sparred with. He's truly a World Champion Fighter, and a great friend."
- Freidun 'Iceman' Younossi, Multi-World Champion Kickboxer, New Jersey
"Snake, I am the French guy that learned Savate Boxe Francaise during the Summer 2002 at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts. I will come to the Academy to see you all as soon as I will be able to come to the USA again. I have done many boxing bouts in France, especially Savate in the University (I got a University level in France), and, of course, all the techniques that I learned from you have been very helpful for me. Furthermore, I have done some Full-contact boxing, Kickboxing, Shidokan boxing/karate, and I am doing all the tests for my Blackbelt in Karate. I have 3 technical levels and I need one more, then I will be able to go through the fight levels. 3 KOs required on 4 fights is how it works in France. A bientot je le pense."
- Vince Viandier, Savate Fighter, France
"I just wanted to say that it was such a privilege to meet both you [Snake Blocker] and Alan Tafoya. Just the short time with you two
seems to have awoken my Blackfoot spirit again. For that I'm grateful. You guys still are the baddest we've had yet on the show [Deadliest Warrior]!"
- Stephen C. Meyer II, Weapon's Expert, California-USA
“I can't believe you held that scorpion [on Deadliest Warrior}, Snake Blocker! I remember going to get him with Red Dawg. It was freaking mean!”
– Douglas J McGill, Idaho
"Snake, all the best to a fellow World Black Belt member."
- Bob Wall, 1st Generation Bruce Lee student, California-USA
"I always wanted to do a cartwheel and I never could, even as a child, then I took Gung Fu [Kung Fu] at Blocker Academy of Martial Arts. My flexibility
and agility improved, and as an adult I can now do cartwheels and a lot more [from martial arts]."
- Ken O Rourke, Martial Artist, California-USA
"Snake, from one World Champion to another."
- Ronie Colen, Multi-World Champion Body-Builder, New Jersey-USA
"I worked with Snake Blocker for a USA Military Contract Security Company in Afghanistan. The Snake I worked with in Afghanistan had no problem
driving in a 'soft skin' vehicle to various bases in "very high threat" War Zone areas. The soldiers at the base's entry points were amazed that he drove there. It's what we did and it's what we miss sometimes."
- Bob Oypd, Four Horseman International (FHI) Contractor, Illinois-USA
"Tawnshi ("Hello" in the Metis language of Michif): My name is Perry William Kelly and I am a martial arts writer/fighter and a member of the Ontario Metis Nation of Canada. I have been a fan of Snake Blocker and his work for many years because he strives to portray the realities of Native American combat systems in a world that has depicted us as being only at two ends of the spectrum - either the Noble Redman or the Bloodthirsty Savage. Also, Snake embodies the long heritage of Apache/Native American warriors through both his contributions to keeping indigenous martial arts alive and flourishing, as well as, his
military service to the USA. As a ring fighter, enlisted person ready to defend his country and an instructor to civilians and military, Snake
Blocker both "talks the talk" and "walks the walk".
- Perry William Kelly Martial Arts Champion & Author, (Author of the book, Dan Inosanto: The Man, the Teacher, the Artist) and instructor in numerous martial arts and 2017 World Police and Fire Games Karate Gold Medalist.
"Proud to have you as part of our Shooto group of Instructors."
- Sam Muratore, Former Shooto Champion
"This [Apache Knife Fighting & Battle Tactics journey] is the BEST edge weapon's class I've ever attended...Snake Blocker is one of the greatest knife fighters
I have ever trained with."
- Keven Conan Bankens, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt 3rd Dan under Royce Gracie, New Mexico-USA
"I had an opportunity to train with Snake Blocker once when he was a guest instructor at Hock Hocheim's Knife/Counter-Knife black belt weekend (Texas),
where Snake Blocker covered Apache Knife Fighting. His effective techniques and practical drills were a great addition to Hock's knife course. I've
incorporated much of what I learned in my own core curriculum. The presentation of material is unlike anything you've likely seen before at a
seminar. The method of transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next made it one of the most unique seminars I've been to. If you
have the chance to train with Snake Blocker, don't pass up the opportunity!."
- Kevin Bradbury, Black Belt Instructor under W. Hock Hochheim (and others), Missouri-USA
"Snake, It's great to finally train with you. I've heard about you for years.... From one 'Snake' to another, you're a professional."
- Dennis 'Snake' Chalker, Navy SEAL, California-USA
(Dennis Chalker is a retired Master Chief-Navy SEAL Team 6; he is an inventor and author who has written six books about the United States Navy SEALs)
"Snake Blocker is a Survivalist, Navy Military Close Quarters Combat Instructor and Martial Artist, whom I had a chance to work with for the pilot show of Dude You're Screwed. He continues to teach around the world, bringing awareness training to concerned citizens, law enforcement and military groups. I recommend his classes."
- Jake Zweig, Navy SEAL Commando, Illinois-USA
(Jake Zweig is a former Navy Lieutenant for SEAL Team 8 (Little Creek-Virginia). He is also a Survivalist, and College Football Coach and Director of Player Development at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
"Snake, you have a great reputation."
- Paul Vunak, 2nd Generation Bruce Lee Jeet Kune Do student, California-USA
(Paul Vunak is the Progressive Fighting System Contemporary Jeet Kune Do Founder, and was a Combat Instructor to members of Navy SEAL Team 6. Paul Vunak and Daniel Duby (Savate Instructor) opened up the first Savate school in the USA and he trained under Dan Inosanto (Bruce Lee's student) since the late 1970s.
"I saw you [Snake Blocker] on Deadliest Warrior and wanted to tell you how terrifying and magnificent I think you are. Absolutely singular. I wish I lived in Kansas so I could attend your school. I must say, I've never seen a man set the bar quite so high on the field of "not to be messed with.""
- Jennifer Trull, Black Belt, Texas-USA
"Some of the best warriors on the plant respect Snake Blocker."
Leah D'Emilio (Mahalo Daily) on Deadliest Warrior asking Chuck Liddell about fighting an Apache.- "...Just don't give him [Snake Blocker] a knife."
- Chuck Liddell, Former UFC Champion, California-USA
"I have had the honor and pleasure of knowing Snake Blocker for several years and working with him through my affiliation with Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino martial arts of Kali/Escrima. Not only is Snake Blocker an excellent martial artist who is highly knowledgeable and adept in various martial art disciplines which include both empty hand and weaponry skills, but perhaps even more important, he is a great human being and person of high character. Snake Blocker exemplifies the term “martial artist,” constantly seeking to expand his knowledge and sharing it with others. I consider Snake Blocker a good friend and martial art brother and am glad to walk the martial art path with him.”
- Christ Kent, 1st Generation Bruce Lee student under Dan Inosanto, author of several Jeet Kune Do books including Liberate Yourself - How to Think Like Bruce Lee. - Idaho-USA
"We had a good thing over at Snake's Academy. Snake Blocker is a huge part of my Jiu Jitsu journey, plus without you, Snake, I would of never competed in Shooto & Savate! Thank you Snake."
- Alex Uzeta, Black Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, California-USA
"Snake Blocker has been a part of the Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do community for many years. My father, Taky Kimura, and I welcomed him to our family as well and are proud to have him represent the Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute and the Indigenous people (Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas). Mr. Blocker will be representing us and the lineage of Bruce Lee through Jun Fan Gung Fu and Ip Man through Wing Chun Gung Fu. I look forward to our contributed efforts in keeping the flame of Jun Fan alive, in the name of my father, Sifu Taky Kimura and his instructor, Sijo Bruce Lee." - Sifu Andy Kimura, Jun Fan Gung Fu Institute Instructor - Washington-USA
(The wit of a Warrior Poet)
-"Time flies by when you're heavy bag."
"Snake Blocker - tastefully offensive."
-"There are many Leg Lockers but only one Snake Blocker."
-"Look at the world through apocalyptic lenses."
-"I have not yet begun to bite!"
-"There comes a time when one needs to be savage."
-"Honeybees can recognize human faces...and so can Snake Blocker
(and he knows where you live)."
-“Have a knife day and a good knife.”
-"Stay positive and carry a knife."
-"The Knife is quicker than the eye."
-"...Thunder storms ahead with a chance of Snake Blocker."
-"I exist to resist (with a knife in both hands)."
-"May your reactions be iconic, and your actions be immeasurable."
-"When I have something to say to my enemies, I write it down on the bottom
of my shoes, so they can read it, as I'm kicking their face."
-"Submit your life to an audit. Have you maximized your life thus far?"
-"You can't be beast without best."
-"Maximize creativity in the heat of the fight."
-"When it comes to first blood, Komm Zu Mir."
-"Never fall in love with Plan A."
-"May all your blades be sharp; your mind alert; your body ready; and your spirit prepared."
-"Shut the "SHOULD" up!"
-"Today I was asked, "If you could save any animal from extinction which would you save?" My reply..."The beast within.""
-"I offend you in advance."
-"I have the same blades and dreams as everyone else."
-"Be a Jack of all Blades, a Master of Guns."
-"If you don't like my Maverick Ways, stay off my 'Hit List.' "
-"Are you that funny dead?"
-"My "wrong" to your "wrong" will make it right."
-"Have I offended all today?"
-"Your Death Wish is my Command."
-"Fight outside, so you don't die inside."
-"I still got allot of violence in me."
-"Be the Puzzle-Master."
-"I don’t often have birthdays, but when I do, my enemies know they lost again!"
-"When you fight--Bite!"
-"The hatred from others fuels my soul."
-"Live a bold life, along the edge of insanity."
-"If everyone loves you, then you are not bold enough."
-"If I haven't offended the masses today, remember, it's still early."
-"I was told I couldn’t, so I proved it. I was told I shouldn’t, so I did it. I was told "6 ft [away]," so I buried them."
-“Put aggression back in progression.“
-"Snake Blocker- now legal in most states."
-“Caffeinate, so you don’t procrastinate!”