"The House of Champions" - Established 1995 - "Te'Aneh' Cūvah"

"All students and instructors must adhere to the Blocker Academy of Martial Arts Policies, Code of Conduct, Pledge of Honor, Rules of Respect, and Regulations (subject to change without notice)." - Snake Blocker, Founder
"I worked with Snake on the Apache-Gladiator episode of Deadliest Warrior, which became our first show to air. Snake's great to work with, smart - funny and someone who takes direction well. He can generate his own material and he can follow a lead, switching from intense to funny at will. His close combat and weapon skills are extraordinary!" - Tim Prokop, Executive Producer - New Dominion Pictures, L.L.C., Showrunner Director - Spike TV's Deadliest Warrior, California-USA
"Snake's talented and business savvy, making him the professional to have on any team playing project. His expertise in his field rivals the competition, and his easy going attitude makes him exceptionally easy to work with." - Lynny Prince, Producer at Stretches Plenty Pictures, LLC - GHOSTKILLER, Kentucky-USA
1. A student's heart must be right.
2. A student's mind must be solid.
3. A student must be humble, rather than insecure.
4. A student must be a good person, rather than a nice person.
5. A student must be bold, rather than arrogant.
6. A student must be brave, rather than bully.
7. A student must be discreet, rather than timid.
8. A student must be fully committed.
9. A student must use only the force necessary in any given situation.
10. A student must respect their academy, weapons, body, uniform, discipline, fellow students, and instructors.
I understand that as a member or seminar student, I must abide by all policies, rules and regulations established by Blocker Academy of Martial Arts and its affiliates, which are subject to amendments. I understand that if I do not abide by such policies, rules and regulations, I may be dismissed from the studio; suspended, for no less than one month; or have my membership terminated without refund. I understand that the staff and affiliates may take photos and videos of me for training and marketing purposes. I understand that there is no compensation for filming or photos taken. I understand that I must attend at least one seminar every twelve months to stay an active member. I agree to attend classes and seminars on a regular bases unless due to major injuries. I understand that cursing/swearing is never allowed inside or around any martial arts studio, and if continued, may lead to expulsion, suspension or termination without refund. I understand that smoking is never allowed inside of any martial arts studio. If smoking outside, I must not be within fifty feet of the building. I understand that fags (cigarettes) may never be thrown on the ground. I understand that it is my responsibility to inform any of my guests of the policies, rules and regulations, and I understand that I am responsible for their actions and behaviors. I understand that only students are allowed inside the training rooms during classes. Parents and guest must wait outside or in the lobby. I agree to all of the following Rules of Respect of Blocker Academy of Martial Arts
1. Show respect to all instructors, assistant instructors, students, and guests.
2. When the instructor, assistant, or guest is talking, do not speak or interrupt.
3. Do not use harsh/aggressive contact unless it is part of the instructed drill or a supervised bout.
4. If your opponent or drilling partner 'taps out' (3 hand taps) or gives a 'request to stop,' you will honor the 'tap out' or 'request to stop' and immediately discontinue the sparring session or training.
5. Salute or bow to all instructors, assistants, and guests at the beginning and end of each class which requires a salute or bow. If the class does not require a salute, you must give a handshake smartly (quickly) to all instructors, assistants, and guests at the beginning and end of each class.
6. Don't be sloppy with your drills or sparring sessions. Practice with 100% focus and use good control, or you'll be asked to sit down and just watch the class or leave.
7. No chewing gum, eating in class, or smelling like tobacco.
8. Bring a bottle of water or juice (no soft drinks or coffee). Stay hydrated. Drink before, during and after class.
9. Come to class on time and muster (sign in) before class starts. Be fully dressed by the time class begins, wearing the appropriate workout attire, martial arts uniform, or military uniform (if required).
10. Practice your drills and techniques every day. Exercise every day. Stretch every day. Add a variety and cross train the mind and body. Some days it may be for 15 minutes, other days it may be for several hours. Do what you can each day.
11. Keep your workout attire, martial arts uniforms, and military uniform clean and free of tears. If you look like a mess, don't bother coming to class.
12. No negative words or foul language is tolerated at any studio! If you can't control your tongue, then you can't control your actions. Negative words include, but are not limited to: "I can't..." "I don't want to...," "Huh "That's too hard," "That's impossible," "You suck," "That's stupid," "You're stupid, etc… No non-edifying words. No student shall insult any martial arts style or school, fellow student, assistant, instructor, or guest.
13. Call your instructor and fellow students by his or her title before their name at all times. Also refer to the studio by correct class name for respect.
14. Bring all sparring equipment for the particular class you are enrolled in (Examples: mouth piece, groin cup [for males], gloves, shin guards, chest protector, head gear, and/or hand wraps). Bring all training weapons for the particular weapons class (Examples: long sword, short sword, bokken, shinai, nunchaku, double sticks, double knives, Balisong, and/or training pistol/rifle).
15. All Blocker Academy of Martial Arts Instructors must be CPR and First Aid Certified, Live Scan, full background checked, and have certifications for the style they teach.
16. Blocker Academy of Martial Arts members that are involved in major criminal activities are banned from all Blocker Academy of Martial Arts studios and/or private instruction.
17. Do not promote or sell any merchandise or products at the studio without approval from the owner or Chief Instructor.
18. Monthly Membership and Private Martial Arts Training dues are set up on the Automatic Payment System (APS) through the checking, savings, or credit card account, if available (6 months minimum required for month-to-month APS). Private Martial Arts Training Packages or Annual Memberships may be purchase in one lump sum payment via cash, money order, check, or credit card (if available). Exceptions must get prior approval from owner.
19. To cancel Monthly Membership, after the 6 months minimum requirement is completed, send or drop off a letter requesting cancellation, date and sign. No phone cancellations. Members must cancel a minimum of 15 days prior to the 1st of the upcoming month or they will be billed the entire month.
20. Take off jewelry and watches prior to class.
21. We will remove from the facility or arrest anyone for the following reasons:
a. Anyone that comes with a distrustful character.
b. Anyone that challenges a student, instructor, or guest.
c. Anyone that slanders the institution or its affiliates.
d. Anyone that steals.
e. Anyone that comes under the influence of drugs or anyone that deals in illegal drugs
Illegal steroid use is prohibited.
f. Anyone that disobeys or disrespects the instructor, staff, guest, or affiliates.
g. Anyone supporting an anti-American agenda of any kind, a terrorist cell of any kind, or
any other criminal organization of any kind (including street gangs).*
*Although these are the main Blocker Academy of Martial Arts rules, they do not include every rule. All new members must have an orientation with an instructor on the complete rules for that particular studio. The student must also get an orientation and rules review for each style/concept of martial arts they are signed up for.
I understand that martial arts, combat arts, weapons and any physical movements can be a dangerous activity. I understand that anything can happen in a fight or training situation. I understand that everything works some of the time but nothing works all of the time. I understand that accidents can and will occur and I understand that I am responsible for my personal injuries. I understand that I must do all drills, techniques and sparring slowly, at first, until I master each stage of movement and body mechanics. I understand that safety must always come first, and I understand that I may skip any movements that may cause injury. I agree to keep my medical exams current and I will always follow the recommendations of my doctor over my instructor. I am responsible to stay well hydrated and I will step back and avoid any movements that may cause problems for my body. During times that I do not feel well, I understand that I can sit to the side and learn by watching the class and taking notes. I have no injuries that would prevent me from at least minimum participation in class. I am not on any medication/drugs that would be adverse to my safety and minimum participation. I understand that I cannot place any liability or responsibility for injuries, up to death, on Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, its owner[s], instructor[s], host[s], promoter[s], or affiliate[s]. I understand that I attend classes or seminars of my own free-will and I must use common sense and safety sense when practicing or demonstrating any drills, techniques or sparring sessions. I understand that smoking, alcohol drinking, and certain drugs (legal and illegal), can affect my mental and physical state. These substances may keep me from class participation, while the drugs are in my system. I agree to always be respectful to all instructors, students and their family members. I agree to follow all instructions and obey the orders of those appointed over me. If I am a minor, I understand that my parents or guardian must give permission to participate. If I am in the military, I understand that I must get prior approval from my command to participate in training. I understand that I may be put on a “leave of absence” for at least one month without refund, should I get into a verbal or physical fight (outside of sparring) with any instructor[s], student[s] or their family members. I understand that I may be expelled from an event, class, seminar, or from Blocker Academy of Martial Arts for any reason that the owner deems unacceptable behavior (inside or outside the studio) without refund. I understand that Blocker Academy of Martial Arts is a family unit and everyone must work well together. I understand that I must clean and keep the studio organized after each class or seminar to mitigate hazards and keep a sanitized environment. I understand that I must keep my uniform clean and must wash up and brush my teeth prior to each class or seminar. I understand that I cannot participate in any classes or seminars unless I maintain good hygiene. If I have a cold, flu, or the like, I may not attend any classes or seminars without a mask.
I hereby promise to respect and uphold all the principles of martial arts and abide by all its rules, policies, practices, traditions and code of conduct. I will continue to promote and enhance the name of Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, my instructors and founders. I will respect the laws and traditions of martial arts and I understand and appreciate that I am learning a potentially dangerous art. Therefore, I promise not to use the art in any area outside of self-defense, self-preservation, or sport specific challenges, while utilizing rules and judges.
1. Value yourself as a child of the Most High God.
2. Do not get angry without control.
3. Be charitable and help others to their next level of improvement.
4. Do not be politically correct.
5. Be truthful in words and deeds.
6. Be loyal to your martial arts, your training center/camp/school: Blocker Academy of Martial Arts, your teachers, the founders, and your peers.
7. Do not be a physical bully or a verbal bully.
8. Do not accept illegal offerings.
9. Train smart, train hard, and train daily.
10. Keep your training area clean.
11. Support your academy and instructors.
1. Center: Savate Fighter.
2. Background: Yin/Yang logo representing balance.
3. Circular arrows representing fluidity.
4. Fist in Yin/Yang logo representing power.
5. White representing knowledge and purity.
6. Black representing the darkness of chaos.
7. Red representing sacrifice and lessons.
-Established Blocker Academy of Martial Arts in 1995.
-Locations (past and present): Rowland Heights, CA - Torrance, CA - Palos Verdes, CA - Denver, CO - Oberlin, KS
-Began teaching seminars and classes on Ápấchề Knife Fighting & Battle Tactic in 1995.
Jeet Kune Do Fusion (JKDF since 2021)
American Jiu-Jitsu International (AJI since 2020)
Jeet Kune Do Wednesday Night Group (JKDWNG since 2017)
Jeet Kune Do Street Fighting System (JKDSFS since 2009)
Contemporary Jeet Kune Do (CJKD) (Decendants of the Dragon/Master (DOD/DOM) since 1999)
Scientific Fighting Congress (SFC)/Force Necessary (SFC/FN since mid 1990s)
United States Muay Thai Association (USMTA since 2006)
USMTA Native American League (NAL since 2007)
International Muay Thai Society (IMTS since 1999)
United States Navy (Enlisted June 2001 - August 2021)
Lipan Ápấchề Tribe of Texas Veteran's Society (since 2009)
Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do (JKD) (since 1993)
Savate/Boxe Française (French Kickboxing [Saˈvat]) (since 1994)
Muay Thai/Thai Boxing (since 1993)
Chinese Gung Fu (Kung Fu) (since early 1980s)
Knife Combatives (since early 1980s)
Military Close Quarters Combat (MCQC) (since 2001)
Kempo Karate (since mid 1990s)
Judo (since 1992)
Kajukenbo Karate (since mid 1990s)
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) (since 1995)
Shoot Fighting/Shooto (since 1994)
Filipino Stick & Knife Fighting (Kali, Escrima, Modern Arnis Combat Concepts:/Balisong Knife Fighting/Pacific Archipelago Concepts (PAC)) (since mid 1990s)
Tae Kwon Do (since 1989)
Ch'ng Mo Gung Fu & Kickboxing (since 1992)
"[Snake Blocker] A true Apache Warrior!" - Hector Soliz, Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas - USA
"Snake is an awesome human being and a phenomenal teacher/warrior! I was lucky enough to be deployed with him in 2010 [Afghanistan] and he also taught us while overseas as well." - Hillary F Fadley, US Army, Colorado-USA